Zombie Week

26 October - 3 November


Zombie Trail Launch

We kick off the weeks' activities with the interactive Zombie treasure hunt, with live action characters on Saturday 26th Oct from 11am- 3pm. (£2.50 for a group of 4) booking link will be published soon

A FREE treasure hunt will then continue to run throughout the week via posters with QR links to videos 

Zombies, Ghouls and Witches PARADE

Saturday 2nd November Dress up in your scariest attire and join the Frightful parade, commencing at 11am.
zombies will be attending the parade but dare you join them?

Dancing, singing, ghostbusting and more... a great way to finish a week of ghoulish. scary activities.

Nothe Of the Living Dead

Friday and Saturday night - with the Nothe of the Living Dead, a ticketed event during both evenings.

There will be activities at the Fort for families in the day (with much more detail to come). 

Masks, pumpkin carving and more...

more detail to come